Are ghosts real?Answering a weird question.

Sagore Sarker
3 min readFeb 3, 2022

The Science Approach

Collected From Frepik

I try to explain my thought about it and try to relate them to science.

Think about a scenario. You are watching a horror movie. Does a dark shadow appear before the actor? How does it feel?

Most of the time, for our culture, the term Ghost appears to us. Our grandpa or grandma says some story about ghosts. The approach of representation of the story sometimes crosses a dark line in our hearts. Some of us really believe in ghosts. Personally, I don’t believe in ghosts at all. But what does science say about it? Let’s dig into it.

You have a little disclaimer. I’m a student of Computer Science and Engineering. Here I share my thought which seems to be related to physics.

The universe is four-dimensional — three for space, one for time. We are 3D creatures, living in a 3D world but our eyes can show us only two dimensions. The depth that we all think we can see is merely a trick that our brains have learned; a byproduct of evolution putting our eyes on the front of our faces. So, it is crystal clear to us that greater than two-dimensional objects, we can’t see them with our naked eyes. But from our pre-historic culture, we all are known about two supernatural powers. The one is our creature, God and another one are Ghosts. Ghost in culture also has supernatural power. They can control us. Most of us believe in it. If you watched the movie Interstellar by Cristopher Nolan, you saw a theoretical representation of a 5D world. In that movie, the hero falls into a black hole, enters a 5D world, and tries to communicate with us by binary digit. At the end of that movie, with the help of him, his daughter successfully connected the two different dimensional worlds. And the shape of that is quite different than our own world.

Parallel World: Collected from

In my point of view, if anything like a ghost has a real existence, it may be in the higher or lower dimension of our known universe. That’s why we can’t see them.

In string theory, there are 10 dimensions are proposed. Although the rest of the 6 dimensions (except height, width, length, and time) are in a theoretical manner, they exist in our nature.

In this article, I propose a theoretical concept of ghosts. Ghosts are those objects or personalities who belong to a different dimension from us.

Then, how do they think? As I said early, they are from another dimension, they may look like us or any other shape. So, they have a processing unit like the human brain that helps them to think.

In the parallel world, there is a possibility to have a reflected world. In the parallel world, maybe have an existence of you having a cup of tea and go through this article. Maybe your reflection from another dimension, do the same as like you. They all are beside us, but we only can’t see them because of having different dimensions.



Sagore Sarker

I’m doing by Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from a public university in Bangladesh. And interested in writing coding related article.